Simply SV

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Do: Jump Rope

I exercise for mental health. I'm just not a nice person if my body hasn't been pushed for a couple days, so it's a non-negotiable. As children have been added to my life, I've had to get creative with fitting exercise into my schedule. Recently, I was excited to discover a new way to squeeze in a quick & killer workout. Grab a rope (or an extension cord), set a timer for 1 minute, and start jumping at a good clip. (Be aware that it's perfectly normal for a woman who has been through pregnancy to pee her pants; just go with it, you're showering after you workout anyways. If this aside doesn't pertain to you, pretend you didn't read it.) Jump for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute, do as many pushups as you can, do 20 sit-ups, repeat 3-4 times, and you'll be toast. Hurt so good!