Go: Bookstores of Silicon Valley

Go: Bookstores of Silicon Valley

This week my stepfather will be visiting. He married my mother when I was three years old, nicknamed me Taylor Tot, and truly received me as his own daughter. At my wedding, my father walked me down the aisle and my stepfather spoke during the ceremony; it was a fitting way to honor him and his pivotal role in my life.

My stepfather's dream car is a red Porsche and his retirement fantasy is to work in a bookstore. I, too, delight in bookstores. They are refuges of peace, quiet, orderliness, and exploration. In anticipation of my his impending visit, today I'm highlighting a few local bookstores that I treasure:

Each of these bookstores has adult and children's books, and is located in a quaint downtown. I'm grateful that a handful of brick & mortar bookstores remain in Silicon Valley; I love popping into a bookstore during a night out with my husband. I take my children to bookstores to discover new authors and series that interest them. While I'm a big believer in taking advantage of the bounty of free amenities our local libraries offer, we need both libraries and bookstores. Let’s do all we can to keep these gems in business. They are precious places indeed.

Go: Villa Montalvo

Go: Villa Montalvo

Be: Orgasmic

Be: Orgasmic